07 Apr

Please find the following from Liz Cosson’s Office (RSL Vic) regarding Information on COVID-19 for veterans and their families.

Please find attached a fact sheet for circulation to your members which provides further information on COVID-19 for veterans and their families. We will also publish this fact sheet on the DVA website and will provide updates when there are significant developments. 
I have also attached a fact sheet with further information on telehealth for your information.
Flu vaccinations
Availability of flu vaccinations was raised at the teleconference and attached is the most recent link to a Media Release from Minister Hunt regarding vaccinations.

You will note the media release states the following and we suggest you discuss with your GPs:

  • Minister Hunt released a statement encouraging all Australians to be vaccinated against the flu as soon as possible. Free government vaccine is now available in GP practices (for those over 65, children under 5 and those with relevant pre-existing conditions). It is not known when the privately funded vaccine will become available to GP surgeries.
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Posted by on April 7, 2020 in News


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