Poppies & Remembrance Day 2022

29 Oct

Each year, volunteers from the Ocean Grove Barwon heads RSL Sub-Branch sell Remembrance Day Appeal Poppies in the Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads Precincts prior to Remembrance Day on the 11th November. This year 2022 we will be selling from 4th Nov through to 10th November and also on the day. Selling stations in:
Barwon Heads – APCO Service Station
Ocean Grove – Ocean Grove Pharmacy
                       – Kingston Village
                       – Market place

Services: Remembrance Day November 11th
Ocean Grove
Cenotaph in Ocean Grove Park 10.45am
Barwon Heads
Barwon Heads Memorial Hall, Hitchcock Ave. 10.45am


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Posted by on October 29, 2022 in News


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