4 Selling stations will open on Thursday 14th April- Not Good Friday – 16th to 24th April
Please support the OCEAN GROVE BARWON HEADS RSL sub-branch

Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL Sub Branch will be conducting ANZAC Day commemoration services at the Cenotaph Ocean Grove and Cenotaph Barwon Heads.
Dawn Service
When: Monday 25th April 2022 6.00am Assembly, Piper Call to Arms 6.15am.
Where: The “Ocean Grove Park” Cenotaph, The Avenue, Ocean Grove.
Commemoration Dawn Service and wreath laying will be conducted by Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL Sub Branch. Dawn Service will include Piper and Bugler. Tea & light breakfast will be provided at old fire station building, corner of Hodgson St. and The Avenue at the conclusion of the service, thanks to Rotary Ocean Grove and the RSL members.
Barwon Heads March and Service
Service: 9.00am Monday 25th April, Barwon Heads Community Hall, Hitchcock Ave .
March: 8.30am Assembly, Step off 8.45am sharp for Service 9.00am. The March participants
are to form up at 8.30am on the Cnr of Hitchcock Ave and Bridge St. Barwon Heads.
At 8.45am sharp the March will step off and proceed down Hitchcock Ave to the
Cenotaph at the Barwon Heads Community Hall. The March will be accompanied by the
Geelong RSL Pipes and Drums. The service will be led by the Vice President of Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL Sub-branch Mr. John Dickinson and the hymns led by the Barwon Heads Choral. The laying of wreaths will be led by the Vice President along with Federal, State and Local Government representatives. All are then welcome to stay for refreshments.
Ocean Grove March and Service
Service: 10.00am Monday 25th April The Cenotaph, Ocean Grove Park, The Avenue
March: 9.30am Assembly, Step off 9.45am sharp for Service 10.00am.
The March participants are to form up at 9.30am in front of the Commonwealth Bank, in The Terrace, Ocean Grove. At 9.45am sharp the March will step off and proceed down The Terrace and turn right into Presidents Avenue, with then turn right into The Avenue to the Cenotaph. The March will be accompanied by the Geelong RSL Pipes and Drums. The Service will be led by the President of Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL Sub-branch Mr Bradley Clarke, and include a Catafalque and Flag Party from the 8th/7th Battalion Alpha Company and the Geelong Concert Band.The laying of wreaths will be lead by the President along with Federal, State and Local Government representatives.
Media contact: John Dickinson, Public Relations Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL Sub Branch. Mobile 0409432331
Payday Lunches fortnightly as per normal
ANZAC Day – COGG Bowling Club – 25th April
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Service Day Geelong
Sunday 14th August – COGG Bowling Club
Christmas Lunch – 1 Dec – Buckleys Entertain Centre
Warnambool Train Trip – Late March
Apply for & Save Vic Gov’t Annual Free Travel voucher
Bendigo Bus Trip – 2 nights – Late October.
Other Possibilities
Bus Trip – Trentharn
Geelong Botanical Gardens Tour
Wine & Cheese Tasting
Day at horse Races
contact: Neil Smith for any info : 0405 176829
A small service was held at the Barwon Heads Community Hall at 10.45 on Thursday 11th November with a group of local school children (60) and some 20 locals. Flanders Field and The Answer to Flanders Field were read by Claudi Collins and Cooper Hill with The Act of Remembrance reading by Rev. John Minitto. Three school children did the important Flag raising during Rouse while others laid wreaths at the memorial.
Thankyou to everybody that came to the service, we are hoping that next year both ANZAC day and Remembrance day services will be back to normal.
Today marks the anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan.
Each year on the 18th of August also known as Vietnam Veterans Day, we honour and commemorate all those who served in Vietnam, including the 521 Australians who died and more than 3,000 people who were wounded, injured or became ill as a result of the conflict.
The Battle of Long Tan, on 18 August 1966, was one of the fiercest battles fought by Australian soldiers in the Vietnam War, involving 105 Australians and three New Zealanders from D Company 6RAR. A total of 17 Australians were killed in action and 25 were wounded, one of whom later died of his wounds. 53 years on we still remember these brave men and women who fought our freedom and will never forget the sacrifices they made to protect our beautiful country. Please keep these brave individuals in your thoughts today.
Image Courtesy: Australian War Memorial
Click on link ABOVE, then click on “Events” heading.
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We had a very well supported ANZAC Day Dawn Service, March and Commemorative Service in Ocean Grove considering the COVID 19 restrictions and limits on our number of public allowed to attend (1000 max).
Below are a couple of photos of the day:
The Ocean Grove/Barwon Heads RSL Sub-Branch recognise the importance of ANZAC Day to the Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads communities and have voted to hold a Dawn Service and a mid morning march and Commemorative Service in the Ocean Grove Park . The march and Commemorative Service normally held in Barwon Heads is cancelled this year as the logistics of managing two large COVID-19 Events are beyond the resources of a small RSL Sub-Branch. The Dawn Service will commence at 0615 with those attending asked to arrive by 0545 to register for this Tier Three COVID-19 approved Event. The march will leave from The Terrace (outside COLES) at 0945 and will conclude at the RSL Memorial in the Ocean Grove Park followed by a Commemorative Service commencing at 1000. The march will be restricted to veterans and first responders only with all participants needing to register prior to step off. Both the Dawn Service and Commemorative Service will be restricted to 1000 participants with all those attending required to register as they enter the Park. Sign in sheets and QR Codes will be available at the various entry points. All persons attending as a spectator or participant are reminded of the need to be COVID safe and observe the social distancing rules.
ANZAC Day also provides an opportunity to support Veteran Welfare through the Sale of ANZAC Day Badges. ANZAC Day badges will be available in the week prior to ANZAC Day at the various stalls our volunteers will be setting up in Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads. The Ocean Grove Newsagency will also be selling badges. The RSL is asking Victorians to do three simple things on ANZAC Day: Honour, Commemorate, and Donate. Honour the ANZAC’s and all those who have served and continue to serve with a moment of quiet reflection at 6am. Commemorate both service and sacrifice by attending a local COVID-Safe ANZAC Day service or observe online or from home by lighting up the dawn. Donate – help the RSL support veterans and their families when in need by making a donation to the ANZAC Appeal by buying a badge or donating online.
Have you thought about joining an RSL.?
Service Member. This category is for Men & Women who have served or are still serving in the Australian Defense Force’s. Annual Subscription is $40.00 or $105 for 3 years.
Affiliate Member. Members of the Police Force, Fire Brigades, Ambulance and Emergency Services. A relative of an ex-service person or a league member, be it a parent, grandparent, spouse, brother, sister, child, grandchild, stepchild, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, aunt or uncle of the person who is or was eligible to be a league member (as the case may be). Annual Subscription $40.00 or $105 for 3 years.
The RSL is a Community Organization, and our mission is to ensure that programs are in place for the well-being, care, compensation and commemoration of serving and ex-serving Defence force members and their dependents.
The Ocean Grove Barwon Heads Sub Branch aims to continue to provide a friendly and welcoming environment to the broader community. Our sub branch provides opportunity for individuals to become part of the local community to ensure commemoration and the tradition of the RSL name continues.
Our Home is the “Ocean Grove Bowling Club”, 18 The Terrace. Your Annual Subscription also gives you free membership of the bowling Club.
Our meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month 2.00pm – Room 1 at the Ocean Grove Bowling Club.
Why not come along and join us.
Application forms can be downloaded from our website, www.oceangroversl.com.au or picked up at the bowling club reception desk, fill in and attach a payment for the appropriate membership, and hand it in to the receptionist or mail to:
Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL, PO Box 174, Ocean Grove 3226